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Using Acupuncture in Conflict Zones • EAP 072
Acupuncture is often used with good effect to treat psycho-emotive issues such as chronic anxiety and depression. And it is also helpful in the treatment of various psycho-emotive challenges that arise when someone is faced with their world being turned upside down by...
You can’t think your way out of thinking • EAP071
You can’t think you way out of thinking. And constant ruminative thought is often at the root of a variety of issues from anxiety and depression, to issues with anger, body image, and the limits we place on ourselves. Our physiology is not disconnected from our...
Reflections on a year of treating PTSD • EAP070
Anna Kelly had just completed a year working in the Wounded Warriors program at Walter Reed hospital when we recorded this show. There she used acupuncture to treat veterans for PTSD, trauma brain injury and other chronic conditions that soldiers face after being...
Men’s health and Chinese medicine: Treating prostate enlargement and cancer• EAP069
Most men will have some issues with their prostate as they age. And the vast majority of men will die with some form of prostate cancer, but most will not die from it as most prostate cancers are slow. Figuring out which kind a person has and how to treat it is one of...
Using acupuncture to enhance sports performance • EAP068
Acupuncture is a go-to treatment for musculo-skeletal pain and a commonly used modality for treating sports injuries. NFL stars, Olympic swimmers, basketball players and other top athletes increasingly turn to acupuncture to help with recovery from injury as evidenced...
Live Long, Live Well: The Chinese Traditions of Nourishing Life • EAP067
Chinese medicine does not just have a 2500 year history of written and practical application of treating illness and disease. It also has an equally long tradition of cultivating health and well-being. Here in the West we say "an ounce of prevention is worth a...
How to transform your relationship with sugar • EAP066
Sugar addiction is something that usually gets laughed off with a wink and smile. And yet, as Gary Taubes says in his latest book, The Case Against Sugar, if the increasing rates of diabetes were related to a pathogen instead of a lifestyle, we would be in the midst...
Chewing the fat: what you know about fat is not just wrong, but dangerously wrong • EAP065
Growing up we used to laugh about great-grandma's can of schmaltz that lived in the corner of the kitchen. It's taken the turn of more than a few decades to recognize the value of her peasant wisdom. And might have something to do with her making it into her 90's. In...
The accidental acupuncturist • EAP064
Some of us know from an early age we are cut out for medicine. Others never saw it coming; life in its wily wisdom throws us a curve ball, or in this case a bicycle accident. Our guest in this episode sought out acupuncture for a debilitating injury and ended up in a...
Getting under the skin: using Chinese medicine to treat dermatological conditions • EAP063
We know that beauty is more than skin deep, but the truth is that skin is more than just skin deep. While it is easy to think that skin conditions are simply a problem of the exterior portion of our body, in reality dermotological problems are frequently the result of...