Mindfulness in medicine • EAP036

Mindfulness in medicine • EAP036

We often imagine we want the latest in medicine’s technological innovation should we find ourselves or a loved one in the midst of illness and suffering. But there are moments when our most advanced technology, while it can save lives, can not reach into the...
Acupuncture at the end of life • EAP034

Acupuncture at the end of life • EAP034

We are all are touched by death. Many of us know something about it. Few of us understand the process. And while the tools of modern medicine often accompany the dying, death is not a medical condition. Our guest in this episode is a country doctor and long-time...
Reflections on pain • EAP032

Reflections on pain • EAP032

Pain is one of the most common reasons that people seek out an acupuncturist. And while the results can at times be stunningly effective, there are also situations where the process of healing unfolds in a slower, or frustratingly stutter-step way. In this episode we...
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