Auricular acupuncture • EAP043

Auricular acupuncture • EAP043

We tend to associate acupuncture with China. But auricular therapy was first developed in France, and then wandered its way back to the Middle Kingdom. And yes, there is a story to be told there. Listen in to find out about why the ear is one of the most powerful and...
Parkinson’s recovery project • EAP042

Parkinson’s recovery project • EAP042

As with so many paths that open to us in life, our guest in this episode did not set out to make a deep study of Parkinson’s. She stumbled into it by first helping a number patients who had foot injuries. And from there has delved deeply into neurobiology, brain...
Finding our footing • EAP041

Finding our footing • EAP041

We rarely think of our feet as the amazing complex multi-boned platforms that allow us to walk upright. And in fact— they are sensory organs with a deep affinity for balance, movement and listening to the environment. This is an encore interview with our guest Mary...
Beginning with not-knowing • EAP040

Beginning with not-knowing • EAP040

We seek out medical practitioners because we want to know. There is a problem and we want it gone. Sometimes the process of discovery is not difficult, and health concerns are quickly resolved. But then there are those issues that linger for years, decades even. They...
Spark in the Machine • EAP039

Spark in the Machine • EAP039

The Chinese medicine perspective on physiology connects and diverges from the conventional Western view like a blue highway meanders around an Interstate. Our guest on this episode speaks fluently from the perspectives of both modern biomedicine and the ancient art of...
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