fertilityBirth control pills are generally thought of as a side-effect free medication that prevents pregnancy and can help to regulate a troublesome period.

It’s true it prevents ovulation, which in turn removes the possibility of conception. However, its synthetic hormonal tide not only creates profound mental and emotional shifts, but it can cause problems with conceiving for years after discontinuation.

Our guest today focuses in on fertility through the lenses of conventional medicine, Chinese medicine, and functional medicine to give us a deep dive look into how the Pill not only effects women on the physical level, but on the mental and emotional levels as well.


Show Highlights:
2:58    What if we combined the field of consciousness with fertility?
5:35    Taking conception and fertility beyond the physical.
9:54    Some interesting things you probably don’t know about the pill.
11:37   Getting “put” on the pill.
14:05  The difference between having a period and “bleeding” when on the pill.
17:03  Problems that occur when the uterine lining is not regularly shed.
18:57  The body produces more testosterone when on the pill.
20:11  Post pill syndrome.
23:42  Some commonly written off side effects of the Pill.
29:24   It may take time for a teenager’s period to even out, the Pill does not regulate the period, it suppresses it.
32:51:  Consider how the Pill could effect brain development.
38:35   Some curious and disturbing experiences that can show up after discontinuing the Pill.
52:31  If you really want to know how hormones effect people on the mental and emotional levels, listen to the endocrinologists working with the transgender community.
55:09  Women talk about long forgotten aspects of themselves re-emerging after coming off the Pill.


Keith Bell, L.Ac
R. Keith Bell, L.Ac. is the founder and clinical director of Oriental Medicine Specialists in Richmond, VA is a board certified and licensed acupuncturist, certified professional doula and respected teacher. Recognized as an expert in holistic health, women’s health and holistic fertility enhancement, Keith has more than 16 years of clinical experience using acupuncture, herbal medicine, and functional medicine to help women and their partners successfully conceive and maintain healthy pregnancies.

In 2005 Keith developed his Conscious Conceptions program to educate patients and promote an integrative approach to reproductive medicine by providing holistic preconception planning to patients and actively working to coordinate patient care with other providers. Keith’s success with Conscious Conceptions helped establish an integrative partnership with Dr. Anish A. Shah of Richmond Center for Fertility & Endocrinology.

Keith Bell is committed to providing education and inspiration and is a sought after speaker and teacher. He is a frequent guest lecturer at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Medicine and welcomes residents into his clinic, providing supervision and firsthand experience with holistic medicine. Keith developed and taught the first courses based on holistic theory to the Schools of Nursing and Integrative Science and Technology at James Madison University. He also offers unique and practical continuing education for licensed acupuncturists, doula’s and birthing assistant.

Oriental Medicine Specialists, P.C.
5700 W. Grace St. Ste. 106
Richmond, VA 23226

Phone: (804) 358-7071

Website: www.omspc.com

Links and Resources:
Book- Sweetening the Pill
Movie- Sweetening the Pill


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